Basic American Supply

Conscientious Homeowners:

 Whether the customer installs MagVent themselves or leaves it to the professional, the customer can rest assured that their purchase will reward them, every wash load, with increased dryer efficiency and dryer safety. With MagVent behind your dryer, you’ll know you have done it right! And, you can have confidence that your home is safer!

Fire Safety:

Dryer Fire Safety is a serious and often overlooked problem. It is our goal to both increase consumer awareness about the dangers of dryer fires, and to provide the solution, which is routine maintenance and a minimum path vent. MagVent makes maintenance a snap!

The 3 E’s: Economy, Energy Efficiency, and the Environment.

The 3 E’s are listed in the same point because they are inseparable. MagVent’s ability to provide a convenient minimum path duct, that resists crushing and obstruction, allows the dryer to run at optimum efficiency, saving energy. This saves the client money and helps conserve our energy resources, which is good for the environment. MagVent, 3 big wins!

Professional Installers, Dryer Service Professionals, General Contractors and Architects:

MagVent is truly born out of the need for tradesmen and professionals to deliver their clients a better vent solution than the traditional mess of flexible transition duct. The professional has been considered during every phase of the design process. MagVent has endeavored to simplify the uncertainty in dryer installations by providing a magnetic dryer vent solution that both you and your client can feel good about. MagVent, easy, solid installs that boost dryer efficiency and safety!

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Anthony Timpson
Anthony Timpson